Stock code:871968
[The plastic processing industry is stable for a long time!]
Release date:[2023/11/28] Is reading[196]次

The plastic processing industry is stable for a long time!


In the third quarter, the production of plastic products continued to rise, and the monthly output was: 6.51.0 million tons in July, an increase of 9.8%; 6.355 million tons in August, up 6.0% year-on-year; September 6.818 million tons, up 4.0% year-on-year. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in the first three quarters, the economic operation indicators of China's plastic processing industry were generally better than expected, and the overall trend of steady recovery continued. China's plastic processing industry has great potential, strong toughness, stable development, and long-term fundamentals are still stable.


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